A sensory world-building experience entirely without mouse and keyboard.
Bachelor Thesis of Paul Kirsten & Christian Freitag
Metaworlds isn’t just a game, nor an abstract art and neither is it an unapproachable installation. It’s all of this together and so much more. As it often does, in this case, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. The main focus lies on the creation of immersion. The user is experiencing worlds he can fully dive into, and the world’s complete form is not apparent at the very first glance.
The observer himself plays a significant role – only by his actions can the Metaworlds keep moving and changing their appearance. The change is done, depending on the application scenario, by a simple computer mouse, or even by complex input devices such as the Leap Motion or the Sphero.
On the one hand, Metaworlds is a call for interaction and engagement with virtual worlds, and on the other, it is an invitation to dwell, watch and relax.
Tools Maya, Unity3D
PeriodApril 2013 - July 2013